关于假期签证办理的通知/ Notice on Visa Extension


请同学们注意护照到期日及签证到期日。护照请在到期之前(2-6个月)及早申请延期。签证(居留许可)在2018827日之前到期的,请在2018720前到留学生办公室(国际交流处202室),由留办老师开具签证延期的办证申请函。签证过期后果严重,请大家务必重视。Please attend to the expiry date of passport & visa to avoid illegal stay in China which is subject to severe outcome.
Please extend passport 2-6 months before it expires. For visa (residence permit) that is going to expire before Aug. 27th, 2018, pls. ask for  Letter for Visa Application from Ms. Hua in Rm.202, Building of Int'l Affairs Office by Jul. 20th, 2018.