发布时间: 2016-01-21   浏览次数: 354

   2016年5月3日至4日在柏林举办的“2016年德国柏林ASIIN国际会议”,围绕“Quality Assurance in Higher Education: the unsolved mystery of its untapped potential – how can we jointly tackle the five remaining grand challenges?”,请在以下页面注册




The title of the conference runs “Quality Assurance in Higher Education: the unsolved mystery of its untapped potential – how can we jointly tackle the five remaining grand challenges?” and gathers a unique and high profile crowd of speakers representing the European and international HE establishment, Quality Assurance and Professional bodies all across the world, employer associations, unions and student bodies, recognition authorities, members of politics and the media etc. Jointly we will analyze the unique opportunities that a structured approach to QA can have for educational, political, socio-economic modernization processes as well as recognition and mobility issues which for a (too) long time have not been put on the table. Five “grand challenges” have accordingly been identified and will structure the program. In the last part of the conference we are then looking into evolving instruments of QA, including the topics of achieved learning outcomes after AHELO, accreditation and its impact on the ranking discussion, new benchmarking initiatives and the like. An interesting social program in the exciting capitol of Germany will be another highlight.


The first 80 persons to register for the conference can as a bonus choose to participate cost-free in one of four European pre-workshops such as the Third Global Meeting of Specialized and Professional Quality Assurance, two workshop of the European Informatics or Engineering Network or the International ASIIN workshop which all take place during  May 2nd and will be followed by a guided tour of Berlin.


