发布时间: 2016-04-07   浏览次数: 347

会议时间:2016年4月19日(周二)18:00 至 20:15


1. 为了不影响大家白天的课程,特将全体大会安排在晚6点至8点15分;

2. 全体留学生(中国政府奖学金生,上海市政府奖学金生A类和B类,汉语学习生)必须参加,不可缺席,不得请假,不可迟到,期间如有课程,请提前联系留学生办公室,领取假条;

3. 本科生,研究生,博士生,汉语预科生,均参加;

4. 老生,新生均参加;

5. 新学期全员大会日程重要,涉及年度奖学金审核及材料发放。根据文件要求,如有缺席,故不领取及提交年审表,年度奖学金审核视为自动放弃,不予通过,同时次月生活费即刻停发;





Important Notice for 2016 Spring Semester International Students Plenary Meeting

(Scholarship Review Meeting)

Time: April 19, 2016(Tuesday) 18:00 to 20:15

Venue: the Lecture room opposite to University History Museum(The first floor of Library)


1.Arranging this period of time to avoid the conflicts with your courses;

2.It is a must for all international students(all CSC students, all SGS-A and B students, Chinese Learning Students) to attend the Plenary Meeting. Any excuses are not accepted! Please be punctual for the meeting!

3.Target students: All levels of program, including undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate student;

4.All new admitted 2015 students and all our old students;

5.Important polices regarding medical procedures,internship, work-study, review method of CSC and SGS will be covered.

If you do not attend this Plenary Meeting(t.p.) for each semester, serious consequences occured. You can not pass annual scholarship review this year, your allowance will be terminated after the meeting.

Please notify each other!

International Students Office, USST

April 6, 2016