发布时间: 2015-11-27   浏览次数: 451

      11月23日下午,爱沙尼亚总理塔维•罗伊瓦斯先生(Mr. Taavi Rõivas)代表团一行13人来访我校,爱沙尼亚驻华大使(Mr. Toomas Lukk)、总理办公室主任(Ms. Kairi Uustulnd)、爱沙尼亚驻沪总领事(Mr. Andry Ruumet)等陪同。



                                             访问 揭秘

      此次来访分两大部分:其一,音乐堂的校长致辞及总理先生的主旨演讲 “爱沙尼亚—数字化国家的探路者”(Estonia – a Pathfinder to Digital Nations),现场师生热点问题Q&A,以及随后总理先生与同学们的帅气自拍;其二,在北欧文化交流中心(NBCC-Nordic Baltic Culture Center),总理为爱沙尼亚版画家瑞蒂萨克斯“滑动解锁”系列作品展揭幕,并与我校前往爱沙尼亚交换学习或工作的师生交流并合影留念。此次总理来访,标志着我校与爱沙尼亚高校合作一个全新的里程碑。






      In 2010, USST, along with the University of Tartu, and Tallinn University of Technology, initiated our first inter-collegiate cooperation. Ever since then, both sides have been closely working on cooperative programs on a regular basis, such as Dual-Degree master programs in computer science and other fields, exchange students and visiting scholars, and etc. Our joint efforts have achieved fruitful results on talent cultivation, scientific research and culture development, bringing rewarding benefits to both sides. Moreover, with the aim of higher education development, the cooperation between USST and Estonian universities on the basis of equality and mutual interest also reflects common sincerity and vision from both sides, which, will be further enhanced by today’s visit of Mr. Prime Minister and his delegation.


      Currently, China is vigorously implementing “Made in China 2025” strategy and “Internet Plus” plan. In a new century like this, our manufacturing industry must be a digital, internet-based and intelligent one. To make this happen, we must rely on the powerful digital information technology.


      The Republic of Estonia is one of the most successful countries in digital information technology development in the world. Today, we are honored to have Prime Minister Taavi Roivas to give us a speech on this theme. His topic will be “Estonia—A Pathfinder of Digital Nations”.


      我校与爱沙尼亚高校的合作始于2010年上海世博会。2010年盛夏,我校国际交流处接待了来自远而陌生国度的三位客人, 爱沙尼亚教育部阿基米德基金会” Study in Estonia”项目经理Mariann Lugus, Sigrid Lainevee, Tauno Tõhk。他们是为在爱沙尼亚馆举办的5个专题工作坊(workshop),专程来访。此次访问是上海理工大学缘结爱沙尼亚的开始。我校不但组派学生参加了在爱沙尼亚世博馆举办的工作坊,并作为东道主承办了“动漫(Animation)” 工作坊。我校学生在"网络安全(Cyber Security)" 、 "软件工程(Software engineering)"、“可持续能量(Sustainable Energetics)”三个专题赢得最优秀学生奖。2011年5月,获奖学生及其指导教授获得阿基米德基金会邀请及资助,访问爱沙尼亚。

      The 2010 Shanghai World Expo witnessed the cooperation between USST and Estonian higher education institutions. In the mid-summer of 2010, the USST International Affairs Office welcomed three distinguished guests from a far and unfamiliar country. They were Mariann Lugus, Project Manager of “Study in Estonia” by Archimedes Foundation, Sigrid Lainevee and Tauno Tohk. They came to USST specially for the five theme workshops held in the Estonian Pavilion. This was how USST met Estonia. USST not only sent students to take part in the workshops, but also hosted the “Animation” workshop. USST students won the Best Students Awards in three workshops, i.e. Cyber Security, Software Engineering and Sustainable Energetics. In May 2011, Archimedes Foundation sponsored the award-winning students and their tutorial professors to visit Estonia.



In July 2011, the first USST group of 12 students attending the UT summer school arrived in Tallinn. This was the earliest Chinese undergraduates' group who went to Estonia for study. From 2011 to 2015,over 80 USST students studied in UT and TUT. In 2014 and 2015, USST successfully applied for Mid- and East-European Academic Credit Students Special Scholarship for UT and TUT, which is part of Chinese Government Scholarship by China Scholarship Council, so as to support students from these two universities to study in China as exchange students. Up to now, 4 students from UT and TUT has been to study 







As a Chineseuniversity which has been in deep cooperation with the counterpart in Estoniafor several years, it is the honor to play host to the Prime Minister ofEstonia, Mr. Taavi Roivas and his delegation.

The volunteers of USST SICA showed virtuous spirit and qualities of true diplomats whencoordinating with on site staff and security personnel in site layout, securitycheck, and guiding attendants and VIPs.

During the event,the PM elaborated Estonia’s progress in constructing a digital society andanalyzed the progress and future of students exchange between China andEstonia. From Mr. PM’s speech, we became aware of the benefits digitizationbrought to the economy, politics and public services of Estonia, enlightened byhow Estonians value science and technology and above all had a deeper insighton this distant country.

After the speech,the event went to the stage of Q&A, in which Mr. PM graciously andpatiently replied to the questions from teachers and students present. YangMingdong, freshman from the College of Foreign Languages asked what canuniversity students do to contribute to the construction of a digital country.The PM believed that university students should bravely transform theirknowledge into economic and social value through entrepreneurship. In the meantime, they should put emphasize on communicating with other countries so thatexperience can be shared mutually.

Mr. Prime Minister’svisit to our school reflects the fruitful progress of the cooperation betweenUSST and Estonian universities to some extent. The successful case of adigitized Estonia which Mr. Prime Minister shared with us reveal that thevitality of a country lies within the power of technology, the emphasis oneducation but more importantly within the young generations dedication towardsthe construction of a better country.


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