上海理工大学成绩覆盖和学分认定处理规则和办理流程USST Rules and Procedures Regarding Examination Results Covering and Credit Recognition
发布时间: 2015-05-27   浏览次数: 4220


Students who have to repeat previous academic work, change major or fail to go up to the next grade may face the situation where the compulsory courses stop to be offered. There are two ways to solve the problem and meet requirement for credit: examination results covering; credit recognition. If there are courses which are similar to previous ones, the method of examination results covering can be used (examination results are recorded to the covered courses). If there are no courses which are similar to previous ones but the compulsory courses share the same characteristics of the courses of cultivation plan module (i.e. course group), the second method can be adopted. “Credit recognition” refers to the way of including the specific course into the cultivation plan module. Rules and procedures regarding the two methods are set forth as follows:


I. Rules and procedures regarding examination results covering


Students who have to repeat previous academic work can apply for replacement of examination results of similar courses if previous courses stop to be offered according to cultivation plan. Such application is called “examination results covering”. Students who have to change major or fail to go up to the next grade can also apply for “examination results covering” if courses previously taken are similar to current courses.


The standard for defining similarity between courses is based on syllabus. Specific rules: content overlapping rate of two courses shall be over 80%,; same difficulty level; difference of credit is less than 1/3.


1. Procedures for examination results covering handling:





(1) Click here to download “Examination Results Covering Application Form”. Fill in the form with true and complete information;

(2) Submit the form to Academic Affairs Office of the school where the student studies for review and comment;

(3) Submit the reviewed form to Academic Affairs Office of the University (No. 43 window at Public Services Center);

(4)Academic Affairs Office of the University will handle the matter after the application is approved. If there is objection, applicant will be informed of the matter via phone call.


2. Rules on examination results covering application:



(1) Courses with same code are regarded as the same course. Only the highest examination result of the same course will be counted no matter how many times the course have been taken. In such case, there is no need for examination results covering application;

(2) Only the highest examination result will be counted after examination results covering is realized;



(3) Courses within the same cultivation plan cannot be covered by each other;

(4) If there are several courses within the same cultivation plan which belong to the same series and are featured with different difficulty level and different credits (e.g. Higher Mathematics A, Higher Mathematics B). The difficulty level and credit of courses to be covered by each other shall match.


B. Rules and procedures regarding course credit recognition


Credit recognition refers to application for counting credits of other courses into a module since credits requirements set by the module fail to be met.


1. Procedures for credit recognition:





(1) Click here to download “Course Credit Recognition Application Form”. Fill in the form with true and complete information;

(2) Submit the form to Academic Affairs Office of the school where the student studies for review and comment;

(3) Submit the reviewed form to Academic Affairs Office of the University (No. 43 window at Public Services Center);

(4) Academic Affairs Office of the University will handle the matter after the application is approved. If there is objection, applicant will be informed of the matter via phone call.


2. Rules on credit recognition:



(1) If credit requirements of a cultivation plan module fail to be met, the courses within the module have stopped to be offered;

(2) Courses whose credits are expected to be recognized shall share the same characteristics of courses of the specific cultivation plan module.



1. Apply for credit recognition and eligible for application

2. Student fill in “Undergraduate Application Form for Recognition of Examination Results (Credit) of Courses at Other Educational Institutions”

3. Submit the form to Academic Affairs Office of the school where the student studies

4. Head of the school reviews the application form

5. Approved

6. Submit the form to Academic Affairs Office of the University

7. Director of Academic Affairs Office of the University who is in charge of the matter reviews the application form

8. Approved

9. Examination results administrator records examination results

10. Rejected

11. Rejected

12. Examination results administrator give feedback on application to the student concerned